Volume 9 (2024) Issue 2 (see full issue)
Tamás M. Horváth & Ildikó Bartha: Crisis Management and Public Policy: Analyzing Government Actions
(DOI 10.21868/PGnG.2024.2.9.)
Disassa Desalegn Deresso: The State of Social Courts as a Grass-Root Institution of Justice in Ethiopia: Normative and Empirical Overview
(DOI 10.21868/PGnG.2024.1.)
Balázs Tóth, Tamás Attila Rácz & Árpád Jakab: Information Use Preferences of Accounting Stakeholders: Experiences from the Hungarian Local Government Subsystem
(DOI 10.21868/PGnG.2024.2.2.)
Dóra Lovas: Sustainable Financing Issues for Local Public Transport in Hungary
(DOI 10.21868/PGnG.2024.2.3.)
Muhammad Abdul Khalique: The WTO Regime: Critical Analyses of Existing Hegemony and Rule-making (DOI 10.21868/PGnG.2024.2.4.)
Ahona Asha & Syeda Afroza Zerin: Combating Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis
(DOI 10.21868/PGnG.2024.2.5.)
Thuy Anh Nguyen: The UN ICRMW and the GCM: Redundant Duplication or Balanced Integration? Recommendations for Vietnam